Ground Source Heat Pumps Make Grain Drying More Efficient

2023-06-09 15:00

The arrival of Grain in Ear signifies the ripening of crops such as wheat. And it is also a busy period for farmers. In the fields, farmers are busy and the hustle and bustle of the harvest season fills the air around them. Wheat bundles are carefully carried up and put on trucks that load grain, while some are tied directly in the fields and slowly transported out.

Drying and storage is a critical step after the grain harvest. Incomplete drying of grain can easily lead to losses such as mold and germination. Ground source heat pump is an air conditioning system that utilizes the geothermal resources stored in the ground to convert energy for heating and cooling. The heat is transported to grain drying equipment through the heat pump circulation system, and its high temperatures evaporate the moisture of the grain.

Ground Source Heat Pump

In the past, traditional coal-fired or oil-fired hot air stoves were used for grain drying, which resulted in high drying costs and environmental pollution. However, electric drying of grain using ground source heat pumps has advantages in practical use, such as saving space, efficient operation, low-carbon and energy-saving. This technology mainly uses geothermal resources, so the ground source heat pump drying equipment can produce about 5 times the heat per 1 degree of electricity consumed.

Store grain in the ground and storing grain with technology. In recent years, China has focused on the green transformation of agriculture, actively promoting green and clean grain drying equipment and technology, promoting energy-saving and environmental protection upgrading, promoting the upgrading and transformation of energy-saving and environmentally friendly processing equipment, and promoting the mechanization and green upgrading of grain drying.

Geothermal Heat Pump

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